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You can play it alone or in coop with another person and in both cases its a magnificient experience. This is probably one of the greatest RPGs of all time. its also available for android but im not sure if the controls will be as good. for some people this was the game of the year. but even in its current state, its a really relaxing, town building sandbox game. i hate that the devs stopped updating the game, because it has features missing.

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One way to define it would be: transport tycoon deluxe, but its on ketamine and it plays like overcooked. you have to gather resources, build the rails, make bridges, etc. the game is about building the railroad for a moving train. I have been playing a ton of party local games, and unrailed is probably one of the best. probably one of the best 4 player coop shooter games and its still getting content updates for free! all of those are amazing and you should buy them, but everyone already knows them probably), deep rock is just. there are some difficulty spikes tho, but you have a ton of difficulty sliders and accesibility options in case you get stuck.Īltough im trying not to mention the same games everyone recommends (terraria, stardew valley, rimworld, etc. the entire game is just a vibe and even though its in early access, it feels really polished and smooth. its insanely good, id say its more fun than doom and doom eternal. The best way to define this game is doom meets devil may cry. Its basically a game of blowing up stickmans, has a ton of content, its regularly updated, has workshop and its really cheap (1-2 bucks) tf2 premium, all half life games (except alyx), portal 1 & 2, left 4 dead, etc. Its missing *some* games but the important ones are there. This one goes on sale all the time, but its still worth mentioning. i usually dont do this but sorry for my bad english, i know that there are tons of sentences that dont make sense and repeated words. Here's my list of personal recomendations for the sale. List of interesting games to check out (this is a long list i have been carrying over the last few threads. SteamDB (Better filters, see regional prices and lowest recorded prices, player counts, faster loading, etc etc etc): Probably the same discounts as always, remember to get your free steam cards and emotes every day.

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